Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Couch Potato

Now that my prelim kinda ended(self declare =x), i am free like a bird!!!! Will be back to my cage very soon tho. =(
Time for me to catch up with some HK drama and be a couch potato! XD
Bought some of these snacks which i haven't touch for quite some time!

It's ok to be unhealthy once in awhile XD

ok i am a 'bed' potato. haha!

mask to moisturise my face tonite! boo!

I have heard from some tv programme (i forgotten which) that mask works like a piece of cloth.
If you were to put a piece of wet cloth on the floor, the water from the cloth will wet the floor.
(a wet piece of mask moisturise your face)
Whereas if you were to put a piece of dry cloth of the wet floor, it will absorb all the water from the floor.
(When the mask dries up, it absorbs moisture from you face!!!)
So remember not to leave on mask for too long/overnight(unless if it an overnight mask), or it may lead to adverse effect.

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